The Life of C. Rachel Johnson

I am Married to a wonderful man for over five years now named Alex. We have two sons Ricky, Wes, and a boy on they way TJ. We are both from Ohio and have movied back home to Ohio. I have been a chirstian for over 20 years and I am thankful to have God by my side:)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 08

Christmas was good this year. Ricky really got into it this year and was all excited about it all, so it made it so much fun. Wes loved unwrapping his gifts and then playing with his new toys, clothes, ect.

But one big thing that happened this Christmas was that, Alex and I found out what out little peanut is. We are having a baby......BOY:-) That's right boy number three, Theodore Joshua "TJ" Johnson. So now we have Ricky, Wesley, Theodore (theme song of Alvin and the chipmunks in the background ;-) ). We are so excited that God has blessed us with another boy, although I don't know what I'm going to do with a house full of boys ;-), I know at lest I'll be safe and hopefully one day maybe in 3 years have another girl in the house.

So after Christmas the boys and I got the flu and still fighting it. So far Alex hasn't gotten it, so this New Years we are just staying home.

Another exciting new is someone called about the house up north then called back immediately and asked to see it this Saturday, so hopefully it will sale and we wont have to worry about that any more. So I'll have to post more on that later .

Well I hope everyone had a nice blessed Christmas and will have a happy New Year! :-)

Friday, December 19, 2008

I Didn't Win ;-(


I didn't win the KinderKord Wrist to Wrist Retractable Connection, but that's ok I still love and still shop there and have my baby registry there just incase you wanted to know ;-) But I did end up getting one, my sweet awesome hubby got it for me as a surprise, I love him so much.

So go check out it's awesome :-)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Help me Win:-)

Hi Everyone,

At my favorite mom store of all time, they have free give aways every week by doing things from their blog. This week they are giving away an item I REALLY NEED and WANT.

The site is, but the give away is on their blog:

The item this week is KinderKord Wrist to Wrist Retractable Connection, normal 19.99 . The KinderKord is a wrist to wrist connection for you and your child which leaves your hands free--while keeping your child physically connected to you. KinderKord is uniquely different because:
*Allows 3 full feet of freedom for both you and your child
*Does not tangle-even when used for multiple children
*Is a nearly invisible link between you and your child
*Stores easily in a pocket, purse or diaper bag
*Can be attached to a stroller or belt loop
*A hip and cool unisex band that can be worn by a man or a woman
*Comfortable to wear for hours and hours
*Regardless of the time of year, KinderKord is easy to wear and adjust whether it's hot or cold outside
*Also great for grandparents and care-givers to use
*Leaves hands completely free without the stigma of a harness

So jut take a look at it, with me telling you all about it, I get a chance to win it, and you can too, if you sign up. I love this site, because all the items are made by moms, run by moms, and has free shipping and they give away 10% of sales every year to a charity to give back to the community and God. I have put pictures of and KinderKord Wrist to Wrist Retractable Connection below.

P.S. The baby and they boys are doing great and all growing big fast.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's A......

Boy, I mean A Girl I mean, we didn't find out. Everyone will find out April 4th, 2009. The Ultra sound confirms that date so baby is right on track. The boys ultra sound were only off by a day or so, so we'll see when this little peanut is ready to come.

Everything showed up great on the ultra sound. It was so funny though the ultra sound tec. said everything looks good-great just going to send the data to the ultra sound doctor and we'll be right back. The doctor came right back and tried the whole "freak out the patient and husband" trick by saying we didn't get any good pictures of the belly so there might be some problems but I'll look again. She put it right on me and the baby flashes his/her belly and the doctor said oh wow that's a surprise great first shoot and everything looks great. Then since she found no problems started to dive in to find something wrong asking, " SO any problems with this pregnancy?," "NO" "So your other births c-sections or where they normal with drugs?," NO both all natural vaginal births with out any drugs" "Oh, SO anything your doctor wants us to really look at to make sure everything is normal?" "NO" which was funny because she was looking at the sheet that my doctor/midwife filled out which told her what my doctor/midwife wanted which was just the normal ultra sound nothing else and said no problems. "Well in that case we"ll let you doctor let us know when you need another ultra sound or another check up." "Ok, thanks"

It was so funny to us, because we never freaked out or were worried, God was in control the hole time guiding. But on our way out their was a dad with his child and the mom, mom crying, and the dad was on the phone making a call saying, "They found something wrong but don't know what it is yet!" We didn't mean to over hear it but it was sad. I pray that everything is alright with that family and that nothing really wasn't wrong just like us.

So I have my mid pregnancy check up tomorrow with my doctor/midwife, and I know that she will laugh at the hole thing, well my side not the other family.

I can't believe I am already halfway. The heart beat has been 143 so far, so according to old wives tales it's a boy, but like I told Alex and others my heart beat was over 140, I believe it was 142-143ish, so it still could be a girl. So guess what it's 50/50 chance. Also, just like the boys for fun, looked up the chinese birth chart. Well according to which place half say Boy and Half say Girl, although for the boys all said boy. So it's 50/50, God and Alex are determined to keep it a surprise for everyone and drive me totally nuts;-)

SO it's our little peanut TJ (Theodore Joshua) or Lizzy (Elisabeth Ruth/Esther still deciding middle name) :-)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Shineing Moment take One

So here is our little peanut. We still don't know if we are going to find out or not. This was just a quick picture one to make sure baby was ok, since I had some spotting last week, BUT baby and I are just great and growing ;-) Ricky was so excited watching his little sibling in mum's tummy and hearing the heart beat. If you can't tell, which most can't so don't feel bad, the baby is looking right at you and kicking it's feet at you.

We both just want a healthy little baby that is perfectly made by God:-)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Slowly Moving Back

Sorry it's been a while since I posted. Been busy with finding a place then moving, but we aren't officially moving till sometime in November.

In the picture above we where looking in Cincy for our new place and got free tickets to the game so we decide to take the boys to their first official game. It was so much fun and the boys loved it.

I am 16 weeks and things are going well, had some bleeding the other day but everything seems to be fine as of now. Our little peanut is just growing so fast. I'm starting to show, but some think I just look like I'm little over weight, but the lil Johnson baby is making their appearance!!! We will find, or at lest I will find out what the baby is in December if not earlier :-)

We found a nice place in Cincy that we'll rent for about a year and then try and save up for a house and try to sale our other house.

The boys are doing great and growing fast. Ricky really wants to go to school but we have to wait till next year and Wes has all but one of this baby molars now and is walking/climbing into everything.

Well that's about it for now, I'll try and get some Halloween pictures up when the time comes:-)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Go Forth and Multiply

Well the title and the wording on the shirt, which is from Mom4life ,says it all. Yes we are pregnant with the next blessing from God. We are due in April of 09. It would be nice to have a girl, but we be just as happy with a boy, or how knows one of each ;-) I wore this awesome very comfortable shirt to announce the baby to a few friends and everyone at our church, go check out Moms4life, it's an awesome place all things design and or design from moms.

I'll keep you posted as time goes by. So far, minus some spotting for a while, everything is great and right on track. I'm tired as always, going to the bathroom none stop, and have quizzness throughout the whole day like I had with the boys, just little more this time.

If you want to hear the story it's below.

On July 23 I took a test just to see, I was having some symptoms, but wasn't sure. The test came out negative. The next day I "started" I had weird light to very light spotting for the next week which was right on track for my normal cycle. So on July 31st I took a test again just on a whim. It came out with two pink lines that were brighter then the boys pregnancy test ever were. So I called my midwife because I was still spotting. They had me take a blood test to make sure I was pregnant and that my human chorionic gonadotropin ( hCG) levels were good. Both came back positive. I stopped spotting that following Saturday, but I had little more the following Monday but this time brown. So I called the doctor again. They thought it was just a little left from before and as longs as I wasn't having cramps or bright red blood not to worry and to just take it easy.

I am doing great now and everything is fine.

pregnancy due date