The Life of C. Rachel Johnson

I am Married to a wonderful man for over five years now named Alex. We have two sons Ricky, Wes, and a boy on they way TJ. We are both from Ohio and have movied back home to Ohio. I have been a chirstian for over 20 years and I am thankful to have God by my side:)

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Independence Day/ 4th of July

Happy Independence Day.

The boys, Alex, Alex mom, and I all went to fireworks near us. It was fun. The boys had a great time, Ricky was extremely happy that the symphony played some Star Wars Music.

Both the Boys fell asleep during the fireworks, which turned out to be the best Fireworks display I have even seen. I even cried, which I know not a far stretch for me, but I was crying for my country.

Any ways here are two cute pictures of the boys showing their love for this great Country. And while waving the flag Ricky was singing Happy Birthday America. :-)


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