It's A......
Boy, I mean A Girl I mean, we didn't find out. Everyone will find out April 4th, 2009. The Ultra sound confirms that date so baby is right on track. The boys ultra sound were only off by a day or so, so we'll see when this little peanut is ready to come.
Everything showed up great on the ultra sound. It was so funny though the ultra sound tec. said everything looks good-great just going to send the data to the ultra sound doctor and we'll be right back. The doctor came right back and tried the whole "freak out the patient and husband" trick by saying we didn't get any good pictures of the belly so there might be some problems but I'll look again. She put it right on me and the baby flashes his/her belly and the doctor said oh wow that's a surprise great first shoot and everything looks great. Then since she found no problems started to dive in to find something wrong asking, " SO any problems with this pregnancy?," "NO" "So your other births c-sections or where they normal with drugs?," NO both all natural vaginal births with out any drugs" "Oh, SO anything your doctor wants us to really look at to make sure everything is normal?" "NO" which was funny because she was looking at the sheet that my doctor/midwife filled out which told her what my doctor/midwife wanted which was just the normal ultra sound nothing else and said no problems. "Well in that case we"ll let you doctor let us know when you need another ultra sound or another check up." "Ok, thanks"
It was so funny to us, because we never freaked out or were worried, God was in control the hole time guiding. But on our way out their was a dad with his child and the mom, mom crying, and the dad was on the phone making a call saying, "They found something wrong but don't know what it is yet!" We didn't mean to over hear it but it was sad. I pray that everything is alright with that family and that nothing really wasn't wrong just like us.
So I have my mid pregnancy check up tomorrow with my doctor/midwife, and I know that she will laugh at the hole thing, well my side not the other family.
I can't believe I am already halfway. The heart beat has been 143 so far, so according to old wives tales it's a boy, but like I told Alex and others my heart beat was over 140, I believe it was 142-143ish, so it still could be a girl. So guess what it's 50/50 chance. Also, just like the boys for fun, looked up the chinese birth chart. Well according to which place half say Boy and Half say Girl, although for the boys all said boy. So it's 50/50, God and Alex are determined to keep it a surprise for everyone and drive me totally nuts;-)
SO it's our little peanut TJ (Theodore Joshua) or Lizzy (Elisabeth Ruth/Esther still deciding middle name) :-)